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BBBR Animal Care Facility Intake Form

Boise Bully Breed Rescue accepts dogs from shelters that are kennel stressed or have run out of time. The dog intake form MUST be filled out by a designated shelter representative, NOT a volunteer and submitted to BBBR prior to the intake committee's review.


REQUIRED PHOTOS: Pictures of the dog



VIDEOS: IF DOG FRIENDLY: Dog on Dog interaction on leash or in group play

IF HUMAN FRIENDLY : Dog interaction with human interaction.


REQUIRED PHOTOS AND VIDEOS: MUST be attached TO THIS FORM. IF the files are too large to attach, please send directly to Copies of health records and transfer paperwork MUST be attached this form or e-mailed to prior to acceptance.


Dogs MUST have the following vaccines prior to transport: Rabies, Bordetella and DHP. The transferring shelter shall assume liability of the dog during transportation. The rescue will take possession of the dog upon the dog's arrival to the animal care facility.


Shelter adoption and transfer fees will not be paid by BBBR.


The rescue does not accept dogs from private owners.


If you have questions please e-mail:


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